United Fighters
BJJ & Grappling
Train hard and have fun!
Our Philosophy
We are all about training hard and having fun together! We like to push the boundaries and get out of our comfort zone. Through competition or by working hard on challenging personal goals. We are an NS Brotherhood - Ferrari Team affiliate and were founded in 2015 by Chango Eersel, Youri Ballast, Niels Voskuijl and Jesmine Latrach. They are also the black belt instructors of the team.
United Fighters Training Times
Concrete Conditions
Groeneveen 91D
Monday 19h00 - 20h30 BJJ
Tuesday 19h00 - 21h00 Grappling
Thursday 19h00 - 21h00 BJJ
Saturday 10h00 - 12h00 BJJ
Sunday 11h00 - 13h00 open mat
The open mat is for UF members and their guests only
Amsterdam Training Center Wenckebachweg 6 Amsterdam:
Monday 7h00 - 8h30 BJJ
Wednesday 7h00 - 8h30 BJJ
Friday 7h00 - 8h30 BJJ
Regular practice and dedication has countless advantages, from increased focus to enhanced physical strength. Have a look at the classes we teach to see what fits your schedule and experience level.
Let's train!
Join us on the mat!
Contact Us
insta: @teamunitedfighters
FB: United Fighters
E: unitedfightersbjj@gmail.com